Collocates data

The collocates are available in lists that contain 5,000, 20,000 and 60,000 node words.
# node words # node / collocate pairs Price
20,000 5,853,000 collocates $80 $160
60,000 13,492,000 collocates $125 $250
License: ACAD = academic, COM = commercial  ACAD COM

To purchase the files:

1. Download and fill out the appropriate license agreement by clicking on one of the links in the blue sections above, and then send it back to us as an email attachment. Also, in the [ID] field in the license agreement, please enter [219578].

For both ACAD licenses, the license agreement must be sent back from a university email account.

2. Once we receive the license agreement, we'll send you a request for payment from PayPal.

3. As soon as we receive confirmation of the payment, we'll send you the link to download the data.

Thanks for your interest.